What is Bullying?
“Bullying means repeatedly and deliberately trying to harm, humiliate or distress another person. It can be hurting someone, spreading rumours about them, playing nasty jokes, name-calling or deliberate social exclusion.” One-off occurrences of punching, fighting, theft; and/or name calling are not bullying. These one-off incidents do not represent a breakdown in relationship between two students. Bullying can take many forms:
Name calling or persistent teasing,
Threatening, or
Ridiculing another person’s appearance, physique or actions
Pushing, poking, shoving, spitting, or
Deliberately damaging property
Spreading rumours, malicious gossip
Deliberately hiding property or
Ignoring and persistent exclusion from friendship circles, social exclusion
These actions demonstrate there has been a breakdown in relationship between students. At Kingaroy State School, bullying in all its forms is not accepted and all members of the Kingaroy State School community accept their responsibility to promote positive relationships and to prevent bullying.